Friday, December 23, 2016

Lee Child’s Latest Jack Reacher Novel “Night School”

Steven Marshall is a respected Houston, Texas, entrepreneur who guides the Altiras companies as CEO and offers beneficial use/reuse solutions spanning the energy, chemicals, and fuel sectors. Altiras emphasizes best-in-class solutions that encompass strict quality assurance protocols, as well as full regulatory and environmental compliance. An avid reader, Steven Marshall enjoys biographies in his free time, as well as Lee Child’s bestselling Jack Reacher series. 

The basis for a movie series starring Tom Cruise, Jack Reacher is a lone drifter with a military pedigree who somehow manages to stay on the right side of the law and correct wrongs where he finds them. The latest Reacher novel Night School is a departure for Childs, as it takes place in the mid 1990s, with the protagonist still a U.S. Army major in his 30s. The narrative hinges on Reacher’s decision to purchase a pair of Marine Corps khakis that were safely stored in a warehouse for three decades, keeping their secrets intact. 

Featuring his usual exhaustive research, Childs’ narrative concerns a joint effort by FBI, CIA, and military police, of which Reacher is a member, to identify an American who has plans to sell advanced weaponry to a new paramilitary group operating out of Afghanistan and Yemen.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Secondary Chemical Opportunities with Altiras

Steven Marshall joined Altiras as chief executive officer in 2010. During his time as an executive, he has seen Altiras expand its business by more than 600 percent. In the past, Steven Marshall has held executive positions with Chasm Industries and Market 2 Market, as well as multiple management roles.

Based in Houston, Texas, Altiras specializes in providing clients with a variety of energy and chemical reuse solutions. By focusing on secondary chemical opportunities, the company often secures considerable savings for clients, sometimes up to 80 percent. Secondary chemical solutions are available in various forms, from thinning and cleaning solvents to pH adjustment chemicals used to treat waste water.

The company works with clients at every step of the secondary chemical selection process, helping businesses determine which chemicals can best meet client needs. In addition to managing all aspects of distribution, Altiras ensures all secondary chemicals have been third party certified and rendered in accordance with the highest standards of chemical distribution. To learn more about secondary chemical opportunities, visit

Monday, November 28, 2016

Organizational Dynamics - Common Types of Organizational Change

Steven Marshall serves as CEO of Altiras, a leader in the global chemical and hydrocarbon markets. Known to many as a professional problem solver and an enthusiastic motivational speaker, Steven Marshall is accomplished in applying organizational dynamics both in and outside of Altiras. 

Organizational dynamics is a field devoted to evaluating and improving the people and resources that make up an organization. The discipline focuses on change, and the ability to effectively enact change without losing productivity or disrupting established modes of doing business. Organizational change can mean small changes and minor adjustments, but it more commonly relies on one of the following big picture tactics. 

- Changing markets or switching over to new products or services. Reevaluating a company's goods and services can be a risk, but high-quality product development is an effective tool for mitigating this risk.

- Changing major systems, initiatives, or facets of workplace culture. Many of these types of organizational changes involve implementing new technologies as they become available, which can in turn affect other positive changes and improve productivity. 

- Restructuring, both on the individual and organizational level. Layoffs and personnel changes are part of restructuring, as are mergers, acquisitions, and other major reorganizations.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

What is Organizational Dynamics?

Steven Marshall, chief executive officer at Altiras in Houston, Texas, is interested in organizational dynamics and how they relate to his industry. Understanding this subject can help a business enact positive change in company culture and better diagnose problems. Steven Marshall uses his knowledge of organizational dynamics both at Altiras and at volunteer counseling sessions with entrepreneurs to better mold their businesses.

Organization dynamics is the practice of continually enhancing employee performance and making resources stronger, through goal-oriented strategies and hands-on management. It's important to plan divisions within a company strategically and give each division a particular set of measurable goals which all parties involved can work towards. Depending on workers’ schedules and skill sets, they can be paired with similar employees to be the most productive.

The key player in organizational dynamic strategy is the project manager. This individual can make sure that every worker is meeting his or her maximum potential, and can create an open forum for employees and vendors alike to meet on common ground. Establishing trust within the company and the idea of holding one another accountable are two driving forces of this practice. Organizational culture can be modified when necessary to create a more productive and profitable work environment.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

DIFD Promotes Mental Health in High School Hockey Players

Steven Marshall is an established businessman and consultant who has held positions in multiple states across the U.S. Currently the CEO of Altiras in Houston, Texas, Steven Marshall is a sports fan, especially of the Ohio State Buckeyes, and a former board member of the Dublin High School Hockey Association.

The Dublin High School Hockey Association is a nonprofit charitable/sports organization in Dublin, Ohio. While the association helps to create hockey teams of various skill levels for the area and sponsors games and tournaments, it is also focused on providing financial assistance for the families of students who struggle to pay for the equipment and requirements of hockey. The group helps to fund the majority of the costs of high school hockey for the school district so that parents and students pay smaller fees.

One way in which the Dublin High School Hockey Association accomplishes this goal is through various fundraisers and events, one of which is done with a partner: DIFD (Do It For Daron). The two organizations put on an annual event named for Daron Richardson, a hockey player and student who took his own life. The funds from such events (usually hockey games, festivals, round robins, raffles, etc.) go toward enhancing mental health awareness. The group created an app meant for high school hockey players that helps them mentally prepare for their upcoming games.

Monday, September 26, 2016

How Pearl Jam Exited Grunge Music with No Code

Since 2010, Steven Marshall has been serving as the chief executive officer of Altiras, a company based in Houston, Texas, which he has led to a growth of 600 percent in a span of just five years. When not busy with his responsibilities at Altiras, Steven Marshall enjoys listening to music and cites Pearl Jam as his favorite band.

Formed in 1990 in Seattle, Washington, Pearl Jam was one of the most popular American rock bands of the '90s. Early in their career they had been at the forefront of the grunge subgenre. They retained this status until they released their 4th studio album, No Code.

No Code, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, was regarded by industry commentators as an anti-grunge project and definitively marked the end of an era for the band. In a 1997 interview, Pearl Jam vocalist Eddie Vedder admitted that they thought that grunge was out of hand and was no longer about the music. At the time, grunge fans suffered a number of blows due to the deaths of several of the genre's key icons, particularly Kurt Cobain. Critics noted that No Code, instead of trying to respond to these events with the darkness of grunge music, aimed to heal the wounds of the '90s with music that was uplifting and meditative.