Friday, December 23, 2016

Lee Child’s Latest Jack Reacher Novel “Night School”

Steven Marshall is a respected Houston, Texas, entrepreneur who guides the Altiras companies as CEO and offers beneficial use/reuse solutions spanning the energy, chemicals, and fuel sectors. Altiras emphasizes best-in-class solutions that encompass strict quality assurance protocols, as well as full regulatory and environmental compliance. An avid reader, Steven Marshall enjoys biographies in his free time, as well as Lee Child’s bestselling Jack Reacher series. 

The basis for a movie series starring Tom Cruise, Jack Reacher is a lone drifter with a military pedigree who somehow manages to stay on the right side of the law and correct wrongs where he finds them. The latest Reacher novel Night School is a departure for Childs, as it takes place in the mid 1990s, with the protagonist still a U.S. Army major in his 30s. The narrative hinges on Reacher’s decision to purchase a pair of Marine Corps khakis that were safely stored in a warehouse for three decades, keeping their secrets intact. 

Featuring his usual exhaustive research, Childs’ narrative concerns a joint effort by FBI, CIA, and military police, of which Reacher is a member, to identify an American who has plans to sell advanced weaponry to a new paramilitary group operating out of Afghanistan and Yemen.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Secondary Chemical Opportunities with Altiras

Steven Marshall joined Altiras as chief executive officer in 2010. During his time as an executive, he has seen Altiras expand its business by more than 600 percent. In the past, Steven Marshall has held executive positions with Chasm Industries and Market 2 Market, as well as multiple management roles.

Based in Houston, Texas, Altiras specializes in providing clients with a variety of energy and chemical reuse solutions. By focusing on secondary chemical opportunities, the company often secures considerable savings for clients, sometimes up to 80 percent. Secondary chemical solutions are available in various forms, from thinning and cleaning solvents to pH adjustment chemicals used to treat waste water.

The company works with clients at every step of the secondary chemical selection process, helping businesses determine which chemicals can best meet client needs. In addition to managing all aspects of distribution, Altiras ensures all secondary chemicals have been third party certified and rendered in accordance with the highest standards of chemical distribution. To learn more about secondary chemical opportunities, visit